Why the Iraq War was still the right decision?
Many in the UK and across the World now consider the invasion of Iraq to be a catastrophe, with 43% of people in the UK now believing that it was the wrong decision to invade Iraq in 2003 and remove Saddam Hussein from power. The UK’s current leader of the Opposition, Jeremy Corbyn has said as much , whilst running in the US Republican Primaries, current President Donald J. Trump had expressed the same sentiments. However I profoundly disagree with both Jeremy Corbyn and Donald Trump and agree with Tony Blair in regards that the Iraq War was the right decision, but with significant mistakes and errors taking place in its implementation. First I would like to acknowledge one of the biggest issues involved in the Iraq War and that is the miscommunication to the public about the reasoning of the Iraq War. Before the invasion of Iraq War the message was communicated to the public that Iraq had significant weapons of mass destruction. The Chilcot Report has now cleared up the claims...